I finally have peace about moving. How you ask? We'll be leaving all our friends/family/ routines/home/etc. Well, God is good and he has great things in store for us. It all came together one night when I was a bit overwhelmed, so I prayed. Sure enough, I was comforted and reminded that my job here is to share the Good News! I haven't been doing a very good job of that, but these past few months have made it easier. Why? He has given us something to talk about; God has been very real to us and I can't help but to get excited about how powerful he is-it has been fun to see the "coincidences" pile up!
Our church has played a huge role in transforming our family this this year....taught us so much and I'm so happy that we can listen to sermons online when we're gone:
http://www.fpcbellevue.org/sermons/index.php. Check it out, but get ready to take action because you will be inspired to be a warrior for God. I don't want my tombstone to read, "played it safe"!