Well, we had a short break of health, but we're right back into being sick. I have a fun little cold that I'm hoping doesn't turn into a sinus infection and between Reggie and Ainsley, I think we've been to the doctor 4 times in 2 weeks. Reggie had his 5 year appt. a little late and I decided to ask about his snoring because we can hear him in our next room. She said it was o.k. as long as he didn't stop breathing. She recommended we sit in his room for 10 minutes and listen, so I did. I could only handle 5 minutes because it was soooo disturbing. He never had a regular pattern of breathing and would pause for 3-5 seconds several times a minute. It was such a struggle for him to breathe and I couldn't make an appointment fast enough. Our doctor referred us to an ear, nose and throat guy. In the meantime, I took Reggie to the dentist (all kinds of things to get ready for kindergarten) and he looked into his mouth for 20 seconds and the first thing he said was, "what are you going to do about those tonsils?" He was very informative about the issues with large tonsils and Reggie already has some possible jaw/teeth movement due to not having enough room in his mouth for his tongue. So, we saw the ENT specialist and to no one's surprise, he recommended getting both the tonsils and adenoids out. So we're going to do that sometime in May :o). And we thought shots were tough!
And Ainsley....she had a pretty good fever early last week that lasted for 3 days, but she had no other symptoms. We waited and waited for Reggie to get it, but he didn't. They ALWAYS share viruses. So, this week, she had some very cloudy urine. I made another appointment and sure enough, she has a Urinary Tract Infection and that could be why she had the fever. What is it with UTI's and our family? Can our children not escape having one (for those of you that don't remember or know, Reggie was hospitalized at 3 weeks of age with one)? She has been sleeping very poorly for the past couple months and since she started the antibiotics, she's been great, so I'm wondering if she was waking up because it hurt when she peed. I feel bad because I think she's had it for awhile :o(.
Ryan has been healthy! Other than his Plantar Fasciitis, which is partly his own fault because he won't do the things that will make it better. I feel bad because he'll probably never run again...his feet just can't take it. I suppose we'll all be better one day!!!
We have managed to have some fun the last couple weeks. We had a really windy day and since Reggie and Ainsley got kites for one of their gold star prizes, we decided to walk down to the park and see if we could make Optimus Prime fly! It was too easy. We could have stood there all day and they never would have come down. It was cold, however, and the kids didn't last long, but it was fun for Ryan and I!
They also built a train one morning and decided to go to grandma's house. I get to play the role of whoever they decide to visit...it is pretty entertaining. Ainsley decided she was going to take a rest in it while I was making lunch. I am so glad they love using their imaginations and they use them together :o). The box has been used strangely often-I guess you never know what they are going to find fun to play with.
I also had a birthday this week and boy did I feel old. I couldn't get a deep breath because my cold was in my chest and I felt like I was 80! I'm much improved now and can taste o.k., but we did postpone the cake because I want to fully savor every bite :o). It was fun to hear from people and feel special for the day. Ryan does a very good job of that and I'm lucky to have such a great husband!
This morning we decided to have a picnic at Shadow Cliffs park with our friends the Bliss's. I was trying to get lunch ready, while Ainsley was at gymnastics and Reggie was being his usual self, asking to play every 20 seconds and that is not an exaggeration. I always remind him that if he helps me, I would have more time to play. So, today, he decided he was going to make his sandwich. He did a pretty good job and it was nice to have him help! Tonight he decided he was going to wash his own hair, dry himself, lotion up and get his p.j.'s on. Not the best strategy on his part, letting us know he can do all these things! I could get used to this!!!
Look at the concentration....
Back to Shadow Cliffs. It is a man-made lake with a sandy beach and picnic area. It was a very warm day (almost 80), so it was great, except the water was freezing. The kids didn't seem to mind much and enjoyed digging in the sand, making rivers and just being in the sun. When we first got there, Ainsley layed down on the blanket, like she was sunbathing, CRAZY! I didn't think it was going to be quite so warm, so she didn't have her swimsuit-I'm glad she's 2 and can get away with underwear. Here's some pics of Ainsley, with her buddy Sam and Reggie with Michael.
Tomorrow, we are looking forward to a nice visit with Cathy, Kellen and Michael. They flew in for a wedding and are staying an extra day to visit us!!! It has been a long while since we've had visitors and we can't wait to see them :o).