Reggie has been having eye aches that sometimes turn into headaches for about 7 months now and I decided to take him to see our Cranio-Sacral (CS) person in Kirkland. I wasn’t expecting her to find anything, but she said his neck was really stuck. She wanted to see him again before we left, but we ran out of time, so I was hoping she fixed it. He’s had a few more since we’ve been home and these seem to only be in his eye. I took him to the eye doctor and everything checked out fine. But, I was a little worried for a minute when the nurse asked him to read the letters and he said he couldn’t. She kept making them bigger and bigger and he still couldn’t read them, so she switched to numbers and he did fine. I was cracking up when I realized he was trying to make a word out of the letters!
We had only 2 visits with the CS person here in Pleasanton and he hasn’t had an eye ache in 2 weeks :o)! She found some stuff in his shoulder and scar tissue around his lung that she worked out, so he should be all fixed up now. Sad to think that he already has “stuff” at such a young age. I’m glad we are taking care of it now and that we know where to go because it would be a whole lot worse when he’s older. I guess all my crazy physical therapy has not only benefitted me, but everyone I meet and tell about this other option for good health. Doctors these days just want to give you a pill and I’m so thankful there are other great options out there. I just hope someday they are covered by insurance!
Trina health update:
God has been faithful…I am so thankful he gave me the answer to my arthritis pain!!!! My back has been better than it has been in years!!! There is about a week a month where I have some discomfort, but it has gotten better every month and hopefully when I take the birth control pill continuously, I won’t have any pain :o). We just went to Sam’s birthday party this weekend at a tumbling and trampoline gym and I was drawn to participate. It was really a stupid thing for me to do, but I couldn’t resist. It has been over 10 years since I’ve flipped and it took a couple of back tucks before I knew where the ground was and then it was like riding a bike! I had SO much fun and felt like a kid again :o). 3 months ago, I wouldn’t have even dreamed of doing anything like that….the thought would have made me cringe. The true test was waking up the next day with no pain….God is good and his timing perfect!!! I was nervous about fostering, given my pain, but now that burden is off my plate :o).
Doing a Brody (no handed round-off):