It has been a few weeks and life has been crazy!
Reggie’s costume birthday party was a lot of fun for the kids. Ryan and I got into the spirit…he was Darth Vader and I was a witch. The kids weren’t quite sure what to think. Not quite sure what we were thinking have 7 little boys (and 1 girl) running around! Thankfully, the weather was decent and they wanted to play outside, so that worked out quite well :o). They played some basketball, then Frisbee. Ryan went out to referee a bit and make sure they weren’t sending things over the fence. Reggie was so happy to have all of his friends surrounding him in costume. He changed his outfit 3 times and finally decided on Obi Wan Kenobi (we quickly put all the light sabers away!).
Ainsley had Naomi to play with and they were hiding from the noise in her room and were watching with big eyes at cake time. Boys are so much different and so much louder. Here’s a few pics of the fun day:
While Reggie was off doing his thing, we got to have Ainsley for the afternoon! It was a nice treat for her to have all the attention. We decided to take her to the movies because we can’t go as a family with Reggie as he gets too scared and we end up in the lobby. We decided to see Tangled and it was very good Reggie wasn’t there because we would have been out of there in 5 minutes. I have to say it was pretty scary and Ainsley completely lost it at the end when the evil mother stabbed the boyfriend. We’ve had many conversations since then about the blood in his stomach and the evil mother :o(. I had heard from so many people that it was a great movie and it is if you are an older child or adult, but I should have read reviews. Not recommended for younger children!
Sunday, we packed our clothes for our trip and relaxed a bit.
This week has been nuts. Ryan has had work activities 2 nights and Wed. night both kids had their Christmas performances. When I was working out at home, I saw her sitting on the couch, looking out the window, practicing her songs and had movements. It was pretty cute and I asked her if she was going to sing this time. “No, mom, my teachers don’t make me and my friends don’t sing either.” I tried to talk her into it, but as you can see, she wasn’t having any of it. I couldn’t get Reggie to crack a smile either…at least he sang. Here’s some pics-I’m not expecting any broadway stars from this household!:
Today has been a busy day, wrapping up loose ends, before we get on the plane first thing Sat. morning! Everyone is very excited to go to Washington!!! We’ll be seeing some of you very soon :o).
Our little troll (she had this expression at least half the time!). Has Agnes returned?: