Until Valentine's Day, I hadn't taken a single picture!!! I took this one at K's party and got him doing the monkey bars which he is obsessed with. He was so excited to have me there :o).
Video of the monkey bars:
Reggie started track a couple weeks ago and is loving it. I am very glad he has a friend doing it with him. It changes the entire experience. He is so competitive even in practice, always looking over his shoulder to make sure he is winning. His friend was telling his mom that Reggie is REALLY hard to beat. He has an interesting running style and it will be interesting to see if they get him sprinting on his toes. The timing for ending swimming wasn't the best....everything was really starting to click and he got moved up a lane to swim with the faster swimmers. He will go back next week because he is participating in a swim meet in March, so we'll see just how much he improved.
Now that I think back over the last month, maybe it was a blur because Ryan traveled every single week. It was really hard keeping up with the ever changing schedule!