Friday, September 5, 2008

Earthquakes, Black Widows and Fires

What a crazy few days!!! We just had an earthquake about 45 minutes ago. It was a strange one, a big jolt and then nothing for a few seconds. Then we got some soft rolling. It was a 4.o in magnitude and pretty short. Ryan was freaking out a bit and wanted to go get the kids and I was like, "no way, they're sleeping!" It wasn't nearly as big or long as the 7 whatever in the Seattle area a few years ago. I was curious about the magnitude, so I got online and it turns out there were about 8 earthquakes today, mostly 1-2 in magnitude. It looks like that is the norm for everyday.
Spiders, spiders everywhere! When we first got here, there were spiders all over the house, on the walls/ceilings, in the closets, just about everywhere. We'd walk through webs and it was not good. We see them far less in the house now, but I have gotten quite good at killing them, although I don't have to anymore because Ainsley is the spider killer. She finds them and comes running for a kleenex, smashes them and then throws them away. Works for everyone! Until, Ryan was getting something out of the shed and noticed a big black, shiny spider. He took a second look and saw the red hourglass on its tummy, so he called us all over to look at it. It was a Black Widow. That was it for me, I was looking in every nook and cranny in the house worried one was inside. I was just getting over that when Reggie had a friend over and they were outside playing. Oh yes, one had crawled onto his play leaf blower. He told his friend, "that's a dangerous spider, don't touch it. I need to get my mom." What a good boy!!! So, we are going to get some spray this weekend and do our best to encourage them to leave.
Reggie had a super time playing and it was so good to see him running around, being crazy and laughing. His new friend, Michael, asked if he could do a sleepover here (I guess he's never done that before), so I think he had a good time as well. Michael has a brother, Sam, who is Ainsley's age, but they didn't play much. The best part is Michael's mom, Sarah, is going to have a baby in Jan., so Ainsley will be happy, happy, happy!!!


Tonya Doman said...

Hey guys,
So for spiders....(trust me, living in TN you get those all the time) go to Walmart or Target and they have that sticky stuff that they stick to if they crawl on it. It has some sort of smell that attracts them on it. I put those under my bed, in shelves, linen closet etc. You'd be surprised where those little suckers hang out. Just and FYI!

Mom/Grandma Irene said...

What a great suggestion about the sticky traps! The traps must be like the ones we use at times for mice and/or rats.

Have good luck "sticking it" to those spiders! Ainsley the spider killer is my granddaughter you know...

We miss you.