Seems crazy that our youngest is already 4! She makes us laugh a lot and says and does some of the funniest things. We were at the mall the other day for the first time ever and she saw the manikins and stopped to look at all of them in the window, letting me know she wanted those outfits for her birthday. I got a Barbie head for her cake and she saw it and said, “where are her feet? I want one with shoes.” It seems to be all about shoes and clothes! Oh, and nail polish and chapstick. A total girly, girl. How did that happen???? I guess I will be a good balance for her!
She also tends to be a little too honest and says things out loud that should really be kept quiet like, “Daddy that guy pooped” when she was in the bathroom with Ryan and some guy was having a blow-out. She also used the F-A-T word when we passed a large lady (which I try not to say) at the mall and I about died! I will say that big birthday parties are not her cup of tee.. By the end of the party she was spent and fed up with anyone that wanted to tell her what to do. We felt bad but also frustrated as when she flips that switch its very hard to get her to listen. It was a long afternoon.
Things we love about Ainsley:
She freely laughs and has a contagious giggle
She’s a cuddler
She loves to help out, cleaning, cooking, shopping
She loves to brush my hair (or lack there of)
She is such a mommy, loving on her babies and her cousin Spencer
She loves to dance and look at herself in the mirror
She plays on her own and with Reggie
Her cute pronunciation, stow instead of store, hambooga instead of hamburger
Talking with her hands and mimicking our conversations
Her strong willed nature (not sure we love this!)
She also tends to be a little too honest and says things out loud that should really be kept quiet like, “Daddy that guy pooped” when she was in the bathroom with Ryan and some guy was having a blow-out. She also used the F-A-T word when we passed a large lady (which I try not to say) at the mall and I about died! I will say that big birthday parties are not her cup of tee.. By the end of the party she was spent and fed up with anyone that wanted to tell her what to do. We felt bad but also frustrated as when she flips that switch its very hard to get her to listen. It was a long afternoon.
Things we love about Ainsley:
She freely laughs and has a contagious giggle
She’s a cuddler
She loves to help out, cleaning, cooking, shopping
She loves to brush my hair (or lack there of)
She is such a mommy, loving on her babies and her cousin Spencer
She loves to dance and look at herself in the mirror
She plays on her own and with Reggie
Her cute pronunciation, stow instead of store, hambooga instead of hamburger
Talking with her hands and mimicking our conversations
Her strong willed nature (not sure we love this!)
She is rough and tough and hangs with the boys
She is very protective of mommy when we play take-out
We did realize that she is not much of a party girl. Doesn't really like opening presents and all the attention. She had 3 major melt downs that night...poor thing!
Opening presents the morning of her birthday:
Thanking Reggie for her camera:
Admiring her "big sister" barbie

Well, I thought she did very well! It is hard to be the center of attention! However, both of your kids are always well behaved. :) I am seriously going to try and make one of those for myself! A rainbow pumpkin barbie cake! with SPRINKLES!
4 is such a great year! I can't believe how time flies! Happy Birthday to Ainsley. She is a beautiful little girl.
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