Friday, November 1, 2013


Well the Halloween festivities this season kept us quite busy! K and Ainsley had field trips to the pumpkin patch, but poor Reggie was bummed he didn't get to go.  It is good he has friends because he ended up going with Caleb the day before Halloween and he was just happy to leave with a pumpkin (I had gone to Safeway, Grocery Outlet and CVS and no one had any big pumpkins left!).  

All the kids had parties and then the usual parade and assembly :). It was really surprising that Reggie was the only minion. He was done with his costume after the parade...too bulky and it hurt his head, so he decided to be Darth Vader for trick-or-treating around our neighborhood. Of course if Reggie wasn't going to be a minion, Khalif wasn't either, so he decided to be SpongeBob! 

We had the Houghtaling's and Caldiera's over and it might have been the quietest, best group of 9 kids ever. Their rooms weren't even messy!!! It was nice to actually sit and visit during dinner without any interruption. I'm still not sure how that even happened :). We made pulled pork in the crockpot and that was the easiest dinner and super delicious. Ryan found a recipe online and that was his baby. I am thinking he should do that more often :)!!! 
After dinner we went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood and ran into K's soccer coach and his preschool teacher. Rachel and Shannon dressed up as jellybeans and they had balloons that kept falling out of their costume so it created a little bit of entertainment when the kids would stomp and pop. By the end of our loop they were completely out of balloons...brilliant planning by Diana!

When we got home they all spread out and checked out their loot. They were excited to get a couple full size candy bars! I got a few of my favorites too. On Saturday I decided I was done with candy. We still have to go through the kids and figure out what we're going to keep and what we're going to send off to the troops :). 
We really had a fabulous time!!!

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