Wednesday, October 24, 2018


It was a long summer for Ainsley....she got sick right after the 4th of July with a sore throat virus and after several days, I took her in because it wasn't resolving.  They checked her for strep and she didn't have it and started to rebound a bit, but then started complaining about a sore throat again a few days later.  We were at Lummi and I looked at her throat and she had white pockets, but no fever.  I decided to take her in on our way home and they did another strep test and it was negative.  2 days later they called and said it was positive, so she had a different strain that wouldn't show on the rapid test.  Finally, an answer and an easy fix.  We picked up her antibiotics and the label said 7 days...what?  That didn't seem right to me so I gave her everything in the bottle which ended up being about 9 days.  You could still hear her throat was swollen and a few days later she complained again, but it was close enough to our trip home that I decided to wait it out.  Just about that time, Khalif got sick and was complaining of a sore throat.  He had a mild fever and was playing with Easton who was also sick.  I finally looked at his throat and he had pin pricks of blood which looked like Hand, Foot, Mouth.  We let Dustin know, but he took his kids in and the doctor said it wasn't HFM, it was another virus in the Coxsackie family, Herpangina.  Who names these things??!!  It wasn't long after and Ainsley got that too.  I think Reggie and I were immune since we both had HFM when he was a baby.  Her white pockets returned, but no strep.  Her doctor was amazed at the series of events and was very sympathetic but could offer no help.  I think she spent about 80% of her summer with a sore throat!  Miraculously, she was only out of commission for a few days and ended up just rallying and doing most everything sick.  We went to see our acupuncturist when we got back and she improved so much overnight, but it still took several weeks for her tonsils to recover.
School started for her not long after feeling better and she was back at trampoline and started fall volleyball. 
First day of school-they look so old :(

She was very nervous to go back to trampoline after taking the summer off and was talking about not going back but it was easy to see that she was actually afraid to do her skills.  I made her go and everything came back quickly and she has been loving it.  She will compete level 7 starting in December.  The season goes through May which will be interesting because club volleyball is at the same time!  We are really keeping our options open so we can try to have her do volleyball on opposite days of trampoline.  She is really loving volleyball and has improved a lot the last few months.  Try-outs for club are in a couple weeks and that will be telling as far as what her skills are.  I don't know volleyball at all, so I have no sense of how she is doing.  I will say, it is a bit over the top just to try have to sign up for USA volleyball and pay for each try-out.  I'm thinking this will be kind of intense, but we shall see.
I haven't been there in time to see her trampoline routine, but I saw her latest on double mini:
Ainsley has had a lot more time on her hands which is a good and a bad.  Good because she is able to do more things and be a little more well rounded, but bad because she hasn't quite figured out how to prioritize and she ends up wasting so much time and then has to do her homework late at night.  So, she is showing us this month that she can organize herself and put in a little more effort into school before we sign up for another volleyball commitment.  I know she is capable because when she had no time, she was so much more efficient and was able to get things done.  Maybe its her hormones????  She is full blown tween and has an attitude sometimes that is very challenging. I'm just thankful that she tells me things.  I hear from so many moms that they have no idea what is going on (that is kinda how we feel with Reggie, since he isn't much of a talker).  The tricky thing is trying not to react when she tells me things.  So fun being a parent sometimes!
Perfect example is the dress below.  She pitched a fit about wearing leggings.  Thought it was fine without and I told her to bend over and sure enough her butt was hanging out!  Then she understood, but it doesn't help when she sees others wearing inappropriate things (although, it does help at times because she recognizes it).
Pinot's palette-she loves the explore her artistic side

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