Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lots of happenings...

Ainsley has been in front of an audience a lot these past couple weeks.  They just had their class play, America's Tallest Tales, where she had a singing part with a group of other students.  I heard the play songs A LOT, especially when she had her classmate over.  I finally had to tell them to stop singing!  Plays at this age are a little hard to follow and when I asked her what it was about, she said she had no idea, which is how we all feel when we watch them :o).  It was a good experience for her.  She also had to do a report and speech in front of her class on a famous person and she ended up with Marie Curie, founder of Radium.  I ended up reading the book with her because it was really interesting.  She practiced a lot and got 100%.  She said she was really nervous, but I think her gymnastics has prepared her well for handling her nerves.
Ainsley dressed as Marie (Ainsley is way cuter!):
She has been continuing to learn her new gymnastics skills and is surprising the coaches.  I thought she would never do her backwalkover on high beam and a few weeks ago they bribed her with stickers and that's all it took.  Here's a video of her back tuck:
K has been doing really well lately!  It took several weeks for his behavior to return to normal after the visit with his mom and I am very thankful we have a good therapist :o).  Court was last month and I was hopeful we would move forward, however the judge let things fall apart.  So, on Tuesday, K's attorney is filing for a mistrial and hopefully we will get a new judge!   We are coming up on 4 years this April.  His class had snow day a couple weeks ago and the local ice arena dropped off a pile of ice shavings.  The kids had an absolute blast and they even did an article on it in the local paper.
Yesterday, he had his Valentine's party....parties in his class are over the top!  He had a rough time with one particular game because he didn't ever win and he turned into quite the moping child.  Even Elijah, one of his classmates was asking why he was so sad (it was pretty sweet).  Thank goodness for lunch and recess where he finally snapped out of it.
This was when he was still happy-he is holding a bird feeder that they made out of fruit loops.  He said he is going to eat it instead of the birds:
Reggie had a fever virus at the end of January and we were home for several days.  It is nice that he's older because he stayed home while I took the other 2 to school and I was able to run a few errands and even get a run in.  We actually had a very nice time watching Iron Man and the Hunger games movies.  We don't usually get to watch those PG/PG-13 movies because of the younger kids, so it was a nice relaxing week for me too.  Sometimes it isn't so bad to be stuck at home!  We have entered a new era with him....talking on the phone with friends!  He and his buddy have been playing their DS's while talking on the phone.  I think this is the start of something new.  I am glad he has really nice friends :o).  He has been doing a lot of scouts lately in preparation for the Blue and Gold dinner at the end of February where he will get his Arrow of Light.
I was really tired the last part of January and didn't have much motivation.  In the past, I have had issues with my chest being tight and feeling like I can't take a deep breath and I was feeling that again.  A few years ago I did acupuncture which fixed the problem, so I knew it was time to go back.  My acupuncturist is always learning new things and she did something totally different and was able to see the problem in about 2 minutes.  6 of my 7 energy centers (Chakra's) were nearly closed and the only one open was my heart and it was taking on the load for the rest.  She opened them with her magic and I left feeling so alive and 100 times better.  This is a different way of thinking, but experiencing such a change in just a few minutes made me realize that I need to figure out how to do this myself.  She said it isn't difficult, but I think it will take some practice.  Yoga can help a lot with this, but unfortunately, I don't like Yoga.  Maybe I'll have to give it another try....