Saturday, March 2, 2019

High School Swimming

Reggie has been practicing with the high school team for about a month now and it is pretty chill.  He still gives us a little grief about going, but it is much less strenuous than the tennis club (where he had to pack his shoes and do weight training and conditioning out of the pool!).  It will be good when their meets start because, hopefully, he will get to know more of the kids and it will be a social thing too!  We had time trials this morning in the pouring down rain and he did a great job...swam hard :).  They have this internal meet to see where the kids are so they can put them in an appropriate heat when meets start. 
They have carb up Fridays on meet days and he will be happy about that.  Parents bring pasta, pizza, mac and cheese, along with a bunch of other stuff to school and the kids pig out!  He might like swim season after all!

School finals are next week, so he's been working hard this weekend to make sure he is ready.  He has 3 A-'s, so its critical he do well to maintain his grades.

Volleyball and Trampoline

Most of our weekends these past couple months have been consumed by volleyball or trampoline.
Volleyball has been a beast!  We had no idea what we were getting into and its been way too much!  I thought I was signing up for snack mom, but when I had to attend a meeting for that position, I wondered what I had gotten into.  After that meeting and the "list" of things I was responsible for I decided it wasn't for me.  The goal was to tailgate at these all day tournaments and provide a hot meal to the girls and their families....CRAZY!  I guess its a volleyball thing. 
We should've ran when they switched the coach on us the night of signing.  She loved, loved, loved who her coach was going to be and her new one is young and has a bit to learn.  She is playing with several girls who have grown up playing volleyball and her learning curve has had to be tremendous.  Playing time isn't necessarily based on your ability....there's a political component and that has been frustrating for Ainsley.  She is used to sports where your performance is all you got.  So, she hasn't played as much as she would like and when she does play, there's so much feedback and she usually hears the negative, so we've watched her love of volleyball and her confidence go down significantly.  I got involved and tried to help the situation which I do believe was necessary and helpful, but told her she needs to stand up for herself and I'm out.  She has been doing a better job, but is so terrified to talk to her coach.  It's been a great learning experience and I'm hoping she can take that out of it at least.  We are about half way through the season and she has been getting more positive feedback lately from her coach and other parents, but her teammates most of all.  She has been enjoying her teammates a lot!  School volleyball starts in a week, so that will be interesting to see if we can juggle it all.  She is super excited about school because she will be able to have fun!

Trampoline is our safe haven!  I know when she goes there, she will be mentally and physically o.k.  Its hard not to start questioning if we are the problem, but when we have examples of sports and us not getting involved because things are the way they should be, it is a good reality check!  She has her level 8 skills on 2 events now, so will be competing one of those next weekend and maybe the other the following week.  She was in the belt last night working on doublebacks, both front and back! 
She finished with a 1st place on Double Mini and Trampoline and a 2nd place for Tumbling.


This winter has been rough!  We had some sun and 60 degree weather in January for a small bit, but then the rain came and hasn't stopped for any period of time.  We are all desperately needing vitamin D!  We also had some hail and the neighbor boy came running over and was so excited....wanted to play in the "snow" and he's 15!!!  We could see others out there throwing "snow" balls.  It did stay around for a bit.  It has been unseasonably cold and we were about 200 feet away from getting true snow.  The hillside was white for at least a week.

Getting out on the few days the weather cooperated.  Look at how full the lake is!
Khalif is finally a strong biker
Ryan and the boys enjoying a hike.  Lots of cows out this time of year.