Saturday, March 2, 2019


This winter has been rough!  We had some sun and 60 degree weather in January for a small bit, but then the rain came and hasn't stopped for any period of time.  We are all desperately needing vitamin D!  We also had some hail and the neighbor boy came running over and was so excited....wanted to play in the "snow" and he's 15!!!  We could see others out there throwing "snow" balls.  It did stay around for a bit.  It has been unseasonably cold and we were about 200 feet away from getting true snow.  The hillside was white for at least a week.

Getting out on the few days the weather cooperated.  Look at how full the lake is!
Khalif is finally a strong biker
Ryan and the boys enjoying a hike.  Lots of cows out this time of year.

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