Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Not kicking and screaming anymore!

I finally have peace about moving. How you ask? We'll be leaving all our friends/family/ routines/home/etc. Well, God is good and he has great things in store for us. It all came together one night when I was a bit overwhelmed, so I prayed. Sure enough, I was comforted and reminded that my job here is to share the Good News! I haven't been doing a very good job of that, but these past few months have made it easier. Why? He has given us something to talk about; God has been very real to us and I can't help but to get excited about how powerful he is-it has been fun to see the "coincidences" pile up!

Our church has played a huge role in transforming our family this this year....taught us so much and I'm so happy that we can listen to sermons online when we're gone:

http://www.fpcbellevue.org/sermons/index.php. Check it out, but get ready to take action because you will be inspired to be a warrior for God. I don't want my tombstone to read, "played it safe"!

Memorial Day Weekend

Glad the weathermen were wrong! It was a perfect weekend at the Lake. The kids went for walks, rode big wheels and tricycles, played in the sand, waded in the water (it was way too cold to swim) and had a great time with Grandma/Grandpa/Uncle Wade/Aunt Liha/Maggie. We went to the pancake breakfast and the kids got to explore the fire trucks and ambulances-too cool. It is fun to see the cousins play together. We don't watch much t.v. up there anymore because the kids are our entertainment.
Ryan and I had some fun too...went golfing at Big Lake, went shopping (just the 2 of us) and got to work out together. It has been a couple of years since Ryan and I ran together. Either he's in really bad shape or I'm in really good shape...we'll go with the second! Ryan and Dad went firework shopping, so we're all ready for the 4th....you are all welcome to come see the explosion!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Teamwork and Sleep

We found a new show on demand cable called wonder pets and for a show, it teaches some very good principles.
Today, Ainsley woke up from her nap and Reggie went into her room and before I knew it, I heard the pitter patter of two sets of feet. Hmmm, how did she get out of her crib? "Teamwork" was Reggie's response and he started singing the song from the show. He had climbed up on a rocking horse and she put her leg over the crib and he hoisted her down somehow. I'm glad I didn't see it! If only they worked together like that all the time :o).
It has been about a week that Ainsley has slept through the night! It only took 21 months :o(. Just in time to move and mess things up! So, we've had almost 5 years of horrible sleep (Reggie was a nighttime waker as well). We're still up early, but when with uninterrupted sleep, we are much nicer people. This better not be a phase or growth spurt-I don't think we could take it.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Our Sweet Boy and Baby Obsessed Girl!

We've been having an ant problem around here and we got home the other night and there was a worm in the driveway being attacked by ants. We got inside and Reggie asked for his garden gloves....he went outside and moved the worm to the grass! He's not a big fan of bugs/worms, so it was a really nice thing for him to do :o).

Earlier that day, we had dinner with Mark and Jane and their two daughters Lilli (3) and Amelia (6 weeks). Ainsley could not get enough of the baby. She was gently touching her cheek, petting her hand and trying to put her binky in her mouth as she sat in her bouncy chair. It was precious! Later that night, the kids were playing upstairs and Ryan went to check on Ainsley and couldn't find her. He looked everywhere and finally found her in Mark/Jane's bathroom, sitting in a bouncy chair, bouncing a baby doll in her arms and patting its back. We'll have to make friends with people who have babies, cause she's not getting one of her own!
It sure is interesting to see how different girls and boys are!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trip to CA

We had a nice trip to CA to visit our new house/town. Reggie likes the house better than our own, so maybe we'll have an easier transition than we think? Ainsley and Reggie were such great travelers....they love the airport and airplanes. It was so much fun to live through them and see their excitement. We camped at our new house because we have no furniture/refrigerator and they thought that was pretty cool. My neck didn't agree with the air mattress, but oh well :o).
Our main goal was to find Reggie a preschool and after a scary morning of visiting schools, we saved the best for last. He is enrolled in a 2 day program which isn't ideal, but we're on the waiting list and hopefully, we'll get into the 3 or 4 day program.
We explored Livermore and found our major grocery stops and Taco del Mar (very important to Reggie!). Everything is within a 3 mile radius, so not much different than now. We visited a park down the street and the kids got to play and watch soccer. There's a great biking trail across the street that I can't wait to explore!
We had dinner at Patrick and Leah's and Reggie had a blast playing and swimming. Their son, Donovon, had a drum set which he was very interested in....I think we'll just visit if he has the urge to play the drums!
Here's a few pic's of our house and the trip:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Heading out

We're getting ready for our trip to CA and Reggie is very excited to get on the airplane...he's the talk of his preschool :o).
We were able to rent our house to a wonderful family that signed a 2 year lease!!!! We are very excited about them and so happy to have that crossed off the list. Things are coming together....