Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Not kicking and screaming anymore!

I finally have peace about moving. How you ask? We'll be leaving all our friends/family/ routines/home/etc. Well, God is good and he has great things in store for us. It all came together one night when I was a bit overwhelmed, so I prayed. Sure enough, I was comforted and reminded that my job here is to share the Good News! I haven't been doing a very good job of that, but these past few months have made it easier. Why? He has given us something to talk about; God has been very real to us and I can't help but to get excited about how powerful he is-it has been fun to see the "coincidences" pile up!

Our church has played a huge role in transforming our family this this year....taught us so much and I'm so happy that we can listen to sermons online when we're gone:

http://www.fpcbellevue.org/sermons/index.php. Check it out, but get ready to take action because you will be inspired to be a warrior for God. I don't want my tombstone to read, "played it safe"!


Mark and Sarah said...

I'm so glad that GOd has granted you the peace you needed. It's inspiring to see you set off on this adventure...feels kind of like how we felt when we were heading to Kenya--very unknown! God is totally with you and leading you.

Susan said...

Dear Trina and family,

After reading this post, I praise God that you are trusting Him with your lives. But, I've been out-of-the loop, why you are moving to CA? Maybe you can include THAT part of the journey in your blog! :)