Saturday, September 1, 2012

The continued plumbing saga

Just when we thought we had the plumbing issue resolved, Trina noticed water on the carpet floor near the shower and her closet.  Against my will, I climbed underneath the house in our crawl space which is barely 18" deep.  Ya, lets just say I was a fat man in a little area.  I had to army crawl clear across the house and maneuver under and over existing pipes.  I finally got to the area (right underneath our shower) and had Trina turn on the shower.  Water began to leak/pour from the pipes that feed our shower.  Interesting that if you just ran the bath it didn't leak but as soon as we would turn on the shower it would pour out.  Anyway, I managed to get back out of the crawl space after almost getting stuck (I thought Trina was going to have to call the fire department).  We called our home warranty again and they explained that they covered the pipe repair but not the access into the wall.  The plumber offered to cut into the wall for $350.00.  Of course, I said no and that I would do it.  So I cut a 1ft by 1ft hole into Trina's closet which exposed the leaking pipe to the shower head.  The plumber came out and fixed the issue and right now we're golden,.  I'm hoping that most of the kinks are now figured out but who knows.  We will send pic's soon of our home with our stuff in it.

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