Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

My parents were in town a few weeks ago (can’t believe how time flies).  Now I can’t even remember what we did!!!  The kids had their regular activities, so mom tagged along to see Ainlsey do her first round-off backhandspring and dad got to see Reggie play piano.  We also had soccer and scouts, so I guess we did have a lot going on.  Reggie sitting on grandpa's lap...his legs probably went numb!
The kids were off of school Thursday and Friday which was nice to have a little more free-time.  Thursday we went down to the thrift store in Milpitas (Value Village-here it is called Savers) to shop for some Halloween costumes.  We found a Ninja and Rapunzel costume and we left there with happy children. K was in preschool, but was very excited to see his Spiderman costume when we picked him up :o).  That night we headed to the famous market!  Mom and Dad finally got to experience it, but it was a lot more chilly than normal.  We splurged and got the largest bag of kettle corn and ½ flat of strawberries (where else can you get that for $5!).  Everyone was very focused on eating!  

On Friday, we had our respite provider come to hang with K while we enjoyed a hike at Del Valle and the movie Hotel Transylvania :o).  It was a great movie and a good hike (the kids got to see/smell a dead dear).   We have been taking advantage of the respite that is provided through the foster system.  We get 24 hours per month and can break it up, so it allows for some serious date nights!  
Collecting pine cones...

After Ainsley’s soccer game on Sat., we went to the Livermore Airport open house.  We saw all kinds of planes and an air show.  The kids were kinda bored, but we enjoyed ourselves.  Later that day, we had our respite provider come again to watch all the kids on Sat. and the 4 adults went out and enjoyed some dinner at Sauced (a BBQ place) and shopping around for the MIL (mother-in-law) house on our property.  We then headed to a bar to watch the Huskies play Oregon….the game was a major disappointment, but it was fun to get out and be adults together :o).  

The next day Ryan and I went to the Madonna concert.  We had fun hanging out with friends and looking at the fun people at the concert, but she was a total let down.  She came out over 2 hours late (around 10:30) and sang all of her new songs.  I only knew 2 songs and we ended up leaving early, sometime after midnight.  This was a Sunday, so we were kinda shot for Monday :o(.

Dad was out working in the yard as usual (we are still filling the green waste from their visit!) and talking with all the neighbors-thank goodness the guy right next door has a Romney sign in his yard).  Dad thought he found a termite problem and thank goodness it wasn’t!  Mom played a lot with the kids and pondered options for the lay-out of the MIL.  The week went super quick and it will be nice when they can stay in their new house for a longer period of time and enjoy the sun in the winter :o).
Is this Reggie or grandpa???

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