Saturday, May 24, 2014

Lots of activities

This was another busy week....seems like the closer we get to school getting out, the more activities we have.  Last weekend the kids got to go horseback riding.  Reggie was dreading it and said, "Why didn't you ask me if I wanted to go."  To which I replied, "I knew you would have said no!"  Turns out Reggie is a natural and was the first to volunteer over and over again to ride the horse :o).  We knew Ainsley would love it, but she was much more cautious.  Here's some pictures/video:

Ainsley had two gymnastics shows at her new gym later that day....she loves her new suit!  We realized she has quite the farmers tan....
Ryan traveled again this week from Tuesday to Thursday and unfortunately, missed some fun stuff.  K had his last day of school performance and got his preschool book with artwork and pictures.  He grew 1 1/2 inches and gained 1 1/2 pounds.  He also had his first swim lesson and he did awesome!  Definitely ready and I'm sure he'll be swimming on his own soon :o).  The fun thing about Livermore is that you run into people everywhere and we hadn't been to that pool before, but I knew 4 families and it was fun to catch up with some I hadn't seen in awhile.
 K with his best buddies, Jayden and Austin.

I'm realizing now that Wednesday was a really busy day.  We went to family science night after swimming and the kids did some experiments and got to hold a snake.  We are good friends with the family that brought the snakes (they have 12!) which was good because one decided it was time to potty all over Ainsley.  It was an amazing amount of fluid that came out of the tiny snake and it was such a strange, foul smell.  We won't ever be getting a snake!  As the dad reminded Ainsley, she now has a story to tell :o).
 Reggie drew a minion and when the water got to it, you can see what happened below.  It was to teach them that there are a lot more colors in color than you can see.
Lastly, open house was on Thursday.  The kids displayed some of their best work from the year, we got to chat with the teachers and Ainsley had a slide show.  
Ainsley with Mrs. Littlefield...the best 2nd grade teacher ever!
Reggie with Mrs. Ezell, also a fabulous teacher!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great getting the children exposed to so many things that don't involve a computer? Great job Trina&Ryan!

Love, grandma Irene