Monday, June 29, 2015


The last week of school was filled with fun.  Ainsley had a bowling and park day and then another park day, followed by Olympic day on the last day.  She went back to the orthodontist and her mouth collapsed, so they fit her for a retainer to widen it back out.  Thankfully, it fit when it came a week later.  It looks like a ladybug :o).  They sure have some cool retainers these days!

Khalif had a rough last week of school.  Things were building and EXPLODED on the last day.  He was really sad school was ending and he understood that he wouldn't be seeing his friends anymore since we are going to a new school next year.  I almost had to take him home, but thanks to Mrs. Brackett, he was able to get through the day.  It was a few days of anger and poor behavior, but the good news is he snapped out of it fairly quickly, so that is progress.  Speaking of progress, we had court and I finished my testimony, so I am done!  They didn't get through all the witnesses, so the next date is July 24th.  I am hoping we are on the home stretch....this judge is REALLY good and seems to want to wrap things up.
Reggie had a park day with all the 5th graders and he had a blast.  Lots of activities/games and good food (that always makes him happy!).  One of the moms asked him if he was sad and he said, "No, most of my friends will be at my school next year."  He seems unphased by this big change.  That is his personality!!!
They almost won....
His friends taking a selfie...they all exchanged number in their year books (I don't remember having a year book in 5th grade!)
We couldn't have asked for a better 6 years at Rancho.  I wish it made sense to stay because we love it, but things are changing and hopefully, our new school will be just as amazing.
We had family pictures last weekend:

Happy father's day!  Ryan had a wonderful day, lunch at Sweet Tomatoes and then we chilled at the pool.  We are getting a lot of use out of our gym membership!
Best dad ever!!!  You can tell his kids love him :o)
Last week the kids had Vacation Bible School at Cedar Grove Church.  This year Reggie was too old to participate, so he volunteered.  He's not a big talker and what I got out of him, he seemed kind of neutral whether he liked it or not.  I did hear lots about the food.  The volunteers had a spread and could eat as much as they wanted.  The nachos were a big hit.  The other 2 had great fun as usual.  It was a science theme this year...
Ainsley had an exciting weekend.  Her gym hosted Jordyn Wieber, a 2012 Olympic gymnast.  They had a group Q&A and shy, reserved Ainsley asked her a couple of questions.  After her week off, her back pain got much worse and she's having a lot of nerves with her backwalkover which causes her the pain.  We started physical therapy and are hoping it helps a lot.  It was good for her to hear struggles from an Olympian.  We also invited Zoe from her old gym because they are moving to North Carolina and we wanted to see them one last time.  It was such a nice visit.  Ainsley just loves Zoe.  We will miss them...

Lastly, we celebrated Brian's birthday on Saturday night with a nice dinner and friendly competition at Campo Di Bocce.  Horrible ending...The guys came back and tied it up and we ran out of time.  Can I say, rematch!!!

1 comment:

Grandma Irene said...

Wow quite a busy time! Thanks for keeping us posted on your goings-on. Lots of love in your family it's good that you're keeping it that way. Love, grandma Irene.