Thursday, May 16, 2019

Christian Alliance for Orphans

My church asked if I wanted to go to the CAFO conference this year in Louisville, KY and it took me a whole 2 seconds to decide to go!  Although I did have second thoughts when I found out it was on our 20th anniversary, but Ryan insisted, so I went.  I left very early Tuesday morning and came back very late Friday night.  The sessions were so powerful and it was just what I needed to be refreshed and give me some hope.  Tim Tebow made an appearance and we were the live audience for a radio show that was interviewing the governor of he sure amazing (and his wife too).  I hope he runs for president some day!  It was inspiring to hear the stories of how these speakers overcame their circumstances....terrible, unimaginable circumstances.  God is amazing!  He can turn ashes into beauty :).

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