Monday, October 7, 2019

Respite Foster Babies

We had a couple foster babies this fall.  The first one we had was 10 months old and she looked just like a doll.  We had her a couple times and she was very quiet and easy, peasy.  The kids loved her!  I shouldn't really post all the adorable pictures we have because of privacy :(.  Its fun to see the kids interested in something other than gaming or their phones.  Even Reggie offered to go get her after her nap!
The other one was much younger (3 months) and a bit of a stretch for me...she was medically fragile.  The foster mom is a good friend of mine, so I agreed to take her for a long weekend.  She was also very easy during the day, but the nights were a little rough.  She ate like a champ and thankfully, we had no medical emergencies.  Since she left, she moved in with an aunt and has had her open heart surgery and everything went perfectly!

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