Thursday, August 28, 2008

A few days of cooler weather and then record breaking heat!

The weather cooled down for a few days and was high 70's-lows 80's. It was great for us to be able to play in the yard, go to the park and ride our bikes!!! We went to the Farmer's Market on Thursday in Livermore and had a blast. Big surprise, the kids really like kettle corn :o). We also discovered golden raspberries. I'd never seen them before, but they taste just like a regular red one. We also got a huge flat of melt-in-your-mouth organic strawberries. Not too many of the raspberries made it home. I'm happy to say my kids are fruit kids! It was a great atmosphere, lots of people, kids, music and bubbles. We're going back tonight, although now we're back at record breaking heat, so the kids might be a little more grumpy. I was actually a little chilly when we went last week.

Ryan was out of town Monday through Thursday and thank God for air conditioning-it has been hot! It is strange to walk out to get the mail at 6 o'clock when it is 101 degrees! It feels like Hawaii, sort of. We went to Chuck E Cheese one evening and hit the kid pool. I wish I was able to take pictures at the pool because they were having a blast! They have a water slide that Ainsley flies down and I catch her and Reggie slowly goes down by himself. By the end of the session, he started going a little faster. He has made such huge progress in the water this summer. We are going to do lessons in Sept., so hopefully, he'll get even more comfortable.

Ryan got back on Thursday and we went to Reggie's orientation for school. His teachers seem awesome and there's a 6 to 1 student/teacher ratio, so he should get some individualized attention. All the kids seemed very well behaved and the parents we met were very friendly and nice. Seems like this area has a lot of out-of-staters, so it was nice to have something in common right away! We already have a play date set up for next week and it can't come soon enough. We've had a couple rough days where Reggie has really missed his friends. They talk on the phone, but I know he'd like to play with them :o(. At least Reggie has Ainsley to play with. They have really started playing together a lot more and they laugh and talk and it is really fun to watch.

Ryan and I haven't had a babysitter yet, but we are hoping this weekend to have Julia (Ryan's bosses daughter) come to watch the kids. We've been having a little competitive fun playing basketball in our driveway after the kids go to bed. We're about even in wins of PIG, but we are running out of daylight, so I think our days of playing are numbered. Ryan is very excited that his watermelons are growing. He has about 5 the size of softballs.

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