Thursday, August 28, 2008

Trip back to CA

It was a much more pleasant drive home. We got a much earlier start, around 11:30, and stopped in Portland to see Matt (Ryan's college buddy), Monique, and their 2 sons, Atticus and Tennison. We had a nice visit and dinner. It was good to get caught up and let the kids run around before being stuck in the car for 9 hours. We arrived at around 4 in the morning, so we made great time and caught a few hours of sleep before the kids woke up at 7. It was so much fun watching them. It was like Christmas! I didn't realize how much Reggie would miss his toys. He was very excited to play with them and was running all over the house. Riley, our cat, was very happy to have us home :o).
We were greeted with HOT weather. The first week we were back, it was over 100 almost everyday. The kids (and Ryan) cooled off in the pool and slip and slide:
The first week back was busy, grocery shopping, unpacking and just trying to get everything organized. I made Ryan a collage of just the 2 of us for his birthday, which required going through hundreds of my parents pictures in boxes, in no particular order. So, my first project when I got back was to get caught up on my pictures of the kids. I downloaded them from my camera, uploaded them to the website and printed over 800 pictures (I was over a year behind!). Now I just have to put them in the kids books and I'll feel somewhat on top of things :o). I also realized that since the kids have been born, there are very few pictures of me and Ryan, so all you new parents, remember to take pictures of will be fun to look at the bags under our eyes someday!

1 comment:

Tonya Doman said...

isn't that the truth? We have no pictures of Pete and I after kids---and boy do I have the bags! Hope you all are well. Tell Ryan hi for me.