Friday, November 25, 2011

This and That

Feller’s Cake Bake
Cub scouts does a cake bake every year to raise a little money and get the guys cookin’. Mom’s are not allowed to help (although I think there were a few rule breakers!). Ryan and I were brainstorming different ideas and landed on a cake egg. As he was making the cake I was trying to figure out what to put it on and saw the griddle. He was going to do one big egg, but decided to do 2 smaller ones. I think it turned out pretty good! They won the prize for funniest cake:

Shortly after my parents left, we had K over for a visit and that was lots of fun. The kids had a blast and he got to play with his buddy Fia (Sophia). He has adjusted to life with his Aunt and is doing really well. After we dropped him off, I surprised the kids and took them to the pet store. They have been working hard to earn a Hamster and although they weren’t quite there, I decided it was time. When we got there, I stuck my finger up to the cage and the Hamster bit me and drew blood. The kids were a little freaked out, but I told them we weren’t going to get that one! Ainsley had the most points, so she got to pick out the Hamster and name him. Panda has been a great Hamster, hasn’t bitten anyone yet. He escaped the second day because Ainsley forgot to lock the cage. Thankfully, Ryan rounded the corner as he was making his escape. He’s managed to get out of the ball a few times, but doesn’t run away, so we’ve been lucky and now are very careful about locking the ball. He is very low maintenance and I actually enjoy the little guy :o).

We’ve all been battling a cold the last week and a half. Ainsley woke up with it the morning of her princess tea with Kayla, Dani and Sophia. She crashed that afternoon and we were stuck home the next few days which was good because we didn’t have school anyway. Ryan has a hard time with that, so he pulled out the Christmas tree on Sunday and the kids went to town. She was feeling better by Tues. and since we didn’t have school, we went to the Jelly Belly Factory on Wed. That place was crazy busy, but fun as usual.

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