Thursday, January 22, 2015

Trip to Washington

There was a little stress the day before we left for Washington....I had blood in my urine and through a series of tests and labs in Washington and back here in California, it is unexplained.  My bladder has calmed down and I am feeling pretty much normal, but it was a very strange and a somewhat stressful health episode.  I guess that is the story of most of the medical issues I have had, but I could have done without the added drama.
Other than that, the trip was really fun.  Aunt/Grandma Pam treated all of us to a trip to the Science Center and Spaghetti Factory shortly after we arrived.  We rode the monorail into Westlake and putzed around there a bit.  
 We are a big group!
 Ripley's believe it or not was at the Science Center and this guy was so tall.
Grandma Patty's service was a few days later and it was like a family reunion!!!  So fun for all the cousins to see each other and catch up.  It was at the Catholic church, so we were all a bit out of sorts, but all of their traditions kept the children interested.  Ryan gave a really nice speech and I think made just about everyone cry.  The family was very thankful for all the stories and memories.  And, the kids met Ryan's dad for the first time!
Christmas came quick and K thought he would head down to grandma's at 3:30 in the morning.  Thankfully, we heard him (somehow he is the loudest when he walks around) and steered him back into his bed!  Then he was the last to wake up and the other 2 were itching to get going with presents.  Finally, at 8 we were ready :o).
 The Rinehardt's joined us shortly after and then the extended family came after lunch.  The kids played nicely and us adults had a great time chatting away.
 Kiki and Marley-two cuties!
A few days later, we had Christmas again with the Wade's.  Ainsley was the recipient of the box inside the box, inside the box trick and they thought that was pretty funny!

 Ryan having a little fun with Dustin's hunting gear.
 I don't know what was so funny?
Ainsley went to gymnastics a couple times when we were there and we took all the kids to open gym and they had a really good time, especially rope swinging into the pit!
We made cookies.....
Uncle Wade launched a rocket.....
Aunt Liha took the boys to the reptile zoo.....
We went hiking....

We celebrated Maggie's birthday....

We had a couple of visits with Easton...

And finally, on the last day, we got a little snow.  I'm not even sure you could call it snow, more like slush.  The kids didn't care...they were happy to sled on the 1/4 inch of mush....
I'm not sure where Reggie got the idea to stand up, but we were impressed with his snowboarding skills.  
Making slush angels...
At the airport....
Home sweet home......

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