Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Big milestone for Reggie this year...the start of high school!!! 
 His buddies decided to walk together on the first day
The high school schedule has been a bit of an adjustment.  Reggie is out the door at 7:45 and doesn't return until 3:15.  He has a full schedule (some of his friends are missing a class) and it isn't an easy one, Geometry, Biology, English, FIT (freshman in training) and Social Science.  So far he is hanging steading with all A's and a B+ in Biology!  He was very nervous about Geometry so he looked in the book before school started and thought he would be o.k. and he just got 100% on his quiz.  The teacher found him and said to come to her if he ever needs any help because she wants him to get an A+!  We have seen a lot of maturity this year and although he still needs a little coaching, he is managing his classes really well.
Our house seems to be the drop off and pick up location and he and a friend spend some time everyday after school playing their game.  We just had a family meeting on Friday to reel everyone back in and make sure we aren't spending too much time on our devices (Reggie was playing every night and we have a rule of no screen time on the weekdays!).  These kids are always pushing the limits and unfortunately, they are growing up in different times and aren't able to manage their devices in a healthy way.  Its hard because many of his friends are on playing fort night for hours and hours.  I have told him if technology is what you like, then find a way to use it for good.  We have a retirement home just down the road with lots of elderly who could use a little help.  So far, he hasn't figured out how to make that work for him.  He will be going to work with Ryan for the first couple days of the Thanksgiving break to spend some time with some engineers at Molex to see what real life work in that field looks like.  Maybe he will pick up a new hobby!
We've encouraged him to try new sports at school and he is not even a smidge open to that, but we are strongly suggesting (actually, we are forcing) him to try out for the swim team in high school.  It hasn't been easy finding a new place for him to swim since his team is on hiatus for several months.  He is so resistant to change and going to new places, but we'll work through it.  I gave him his swim options and he chose the one with a lot of change and swimming in multiple places, so we shall see how that works out!
Reggie at a swim meet this weekend.  He got his BB time for the freestyle, his favorite and best stroke.
Homecoming was this last weekend and he and his friends had no interest in going to the dance, but we did go to the football game, a first for him.  I think he liked the snack bar best!
Hanging out with friends instead of going to the dance

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