Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Ryan!

We are happy to have Ryan home after a long stretch of travel, nearly every week for the past 6 weeks, for 2-3 nights :o(.  Thankfully, he will be grounded and with us for a few weeks.  The kids can enjoy him daily!  We had a fabulous day today, starting with breakfast in bed for dad.  The kids and I headed to Starbucks bright and early to bring him a coffee to go along with breakfast.  Ryan opened his gifts;  thanks to Groupon, he will enjoy and 3 hour flight lesson and plane ride at our local airport.
Ryan had requested a gift from Ainsley that she try to ride her bike without training wheels.  She was up for it, so we headed to the park at 8:30 (had to beat the heat because it was 105 yesterday and 95 today!).  It didn't go quite as Ryan was hoping.  She was all over the place and didn't want him to let go of her.  By the end, she didn't even want to do it.  So, the training wheels are going back on and we are going to see if she can learn like Reggie did and just keep raising the training wheels.  Ryan got a great work-out and was sweating like crazy because it was already pushing 85 degrees!
We headed straight to church and then came home and had some down time.  Ryan went to the gym and then played some monopoly with the kids.
Yesterday we did science experiments from a kit Reggie got at the thrift store for $1!  He made light from water and powered a clock using a lemon and fork.  He is very excited about science and I was just happy that the experiments worked!
We finished the day with dinner and Uncle Yu's and then ice cream at the Nestle Tollhouse Cafe:
I hope he felt how much we all love and appreciate him!!!  The kids wrote some great things on his cards and I saved some notes they wrote to him while he was on one of his trips:
We obviously have some spelling work to do, but you can sound out most of it.  He is a great provider, loves us all and shows us his love, is generous, fun to be around, makes us laugh and has a huge heart!  Thanks for being such an awesome dad!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, well you truly had a wonderful family father's day!

spoonface and blue mouth look like they were having a great time too.

love, mom/grandma irene