Sunday, June 10, 2012


Well this past week sure has felt like summer for us. The weather has been is now out and our activities have been summer like. The last day of school was Thursday and I must say the kids were sad?   They like their teachers and their friends and most of all they like being active throughout the day and Mom and Dad are not active enough. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "I'm bored" from Mr. Reggie. And let me tell you we haven't been just laying around the house.  We've been busy, but I guess not busy enough. Olympic Day was the official last day of school. The kids were put into groups and then they rotated from station to station doing different activities. It was truly chaos and very difficult to find each one of them as they we're bouncing from activity to activity.  Here are a couple of shots of Ainsly and Reggie on their last day of school.

Ainsley holding the ball with her hands instead of holding it between her legs and bouncing.  She was creating her own activity!

Reggie on the roller scooter with his buddies

Reggie hangin out with his buddy Colin in between stations.  It was a warm day!

Ainsley and her friends doing the potato on a spoon walk.  Look at that concentration

After school was finished some of the parents wanted to extend the fun that day so a group went to the park nearby.  We enjoyed a pizza lunch and had some time to reflect on the school year and to wonder which teachers all of the kids would have next year.  I can't believe my baby is going to be in the 1st grade next year and my big boy will be a 3rd grader..  Man time flies and they grow up so fast..  Here is a pic of Ainsley at the after school party holding a Guinea pig.  How cute is she, I mean Ainsley..

Livermore Rodeo & Parade

That Thursday night after we got home from a fun filled day of last day of school activities it was time to hit the Livermore Rodeo.  We met up with some friends and watched the rodeo with them.  Cow ropin', cow milkin', and a whole lot of fun.  It wasn't cool enough for Reggie however as he was bored and ready to go after an hour.  Check out Cowboy Reggie and Ainsley with her gymnastic friend.

Saturday morning Reggie had to be down town Livermore at 9:30 to hop on the cub scout float as his troop was riding in the parade.  Ainsley, Mommy, and I sat on the street and watched the parade as Reggie came through.  There was lots to see but the coolest thing was Uncle Sam on stilts.  This guy had done this since he was a teenager and he was in his 50's.

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