Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mama is a BAD ASS!!
It is Father's Day weekend but we're all very proud of our mama this weekend.  Trina decided that she was going to enter the Pleasanton sprint triathlon this weekend.  If you could have seen her physical state last weekend you would have thought, hmmm probably not going to happen as her back pain was acting up.  She had a little limp going last weekend and had some facial expressions that would tell you she was in some pain.  By last Tuesday she had started to come out of it and by Wednesday into Thursday was back to normal.  I was traveling pretty much all week last week so she had the kids and activities all to manage on her own.  I got home Friday night at 11:00PM and Saturday morning Trina had to be out of the house by 6:15AM to register for the event.  She went on her own, checked in her bike got her war paint on (sharpie number written on her arm and leg) and came back to get us at 6:45AM as her heat started at 7:20AM.  The event consisted of 1/4 mile swim, 10 mile bike, and a 3 mile run to finish it off.  I was clocking her and he finish time was right around 1 hr and 10 minutes.  Very few folks finished under 1 hr so I told her next year she should enter in the competitive round as she would kick some ass.  Ainsley and Reggie cheered mom on during every transition and we we're all proud of her and excited to watch her do so well.  At the finish she had a big smile on her face in which the announcer called out her name and shared with everyone over the loud speaker how happy Trina Wade seemed due to her big smile.  Here are some pic's from yesterday at the event..  Good Job Trina, we love you!!

Trina, prior to the start of the triathlon

Finishing the swim and heading to the bike

Heading out for the 10 mile bike!

Coming in from the bike and heading to the run!

Taking off for the 3 mile run!

To the finish line with a big smile!!  Go 1360..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

once again you have made us very proud trina. congratulations on a very fine accomplishment and terrific recovery.

love, mom