Sunday, June 17, 2012

Vacation Bible School

The kids had VBS last week and we organized to go with several school friends.  I'm not sure if that was why they liked it so much, but they had such a fun week!  Reggie tried all kinds of new foods, including a bean and cheese burrito and liked them all :o).  Ainsley found us a new babysitter.  She fell in love with her group leader and I heard about her everyday, so I asked her if she babysat...BINGO!  They burned a soundtrack of all the songs they learned and we've listened to it multiple times a day.  Ainsley does all her movements and thinks she's a rock star.  Reggie even moved his body during the songs.  I was on the other side of the room, but found him and saw that he was dancing, so I had to get a video (I'll try to get that uploaded tomorrow...they take forever):

They both seemed a bit disappointed the week was over!  We will go to Cedar Grove for sure again next year!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i see God stars in the making!

love, grandma irene