Sunday, June 10, 2012


It was only 95 degrees today!  The kids had a blast playing in the blow up jumping water slide.  Knock on wood but they've been getting along so well lately, it's been great.  Check out these crazy kids in a water fight..

As they're playing outside I decide I'm going to go inside where is cool and take a short snooze.  As I'm in a deep sleep I hear the fire engines going by our house but didn't think anything of it.  As a matter of fact I almost used that as a soothing sound to keep me in my deep sleep.  All of the sudden my wife bless her heart yells out Oh My Gosh!!  There was a brush fire right across the street and down from us.  Smoke was bellowing out and the flames were probably 6 feet high and starting to climb the very tall and large trees.  Let's just put it this way, the fire department ended up using our fire hydrant that was in our yard to put the flames out so it was kind of scary but also cool at the same time.  Check out the during, and aftermath of our little excitement for today.  BTW I almost had a heart attack..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

remind me not to ask about stuff like fires or backs... glad your fire hydrant worked and didn't have to be used on your home!

don't worry about the heat you'll have plenty of cooling off time when you come to visit the great northwest...

love, mom