Friday, June 1, 2012


We have been busy with school activities and lucky enough to be part of a school that does some pretty cool stuff! They had science night awhile ago where the kids got to do some experiments and learn about the stars in an astronomy dome. We met Reggie's science teacher and she expressed that she wished every student was like Reggie :o).  Ainsley will get to enjoy science next year.  Sandia Labratories was there taking heat pictures and you can see from the 2 kids that Ainsley has a very cold nose like her mother! 
Rancho has a theatre series that the kids get to go to and Reggie and Ainsley have been going on the same days this year, so the first play I chaperoned a couple kids from each class which was a bit challenging.  So, the last play, Jack and the Beanstalk, I took a group from Reggies class.  It was a fabulous play and the kids really enjoyed it.  I am not much into the arts, so it is good they are getting this exposure through school.
Reggie with his friend Joey:

Last week was open house at Rancho which is an evening where the kids get to showcase their hard work for the year.  Ainsley was so excited and showed us all her books, journals and artwork.  Every spring the kindergarten classes hatch chickens, wait for tadpoles to turn into frogs and watch the caterpillars caccoon into butterflies.  It is so much fun for the kids to watch life happen right in front of them.  Ainsley told us all about how they let the chicks wander around on the rug and the kids sat super close together in a circle so they couldn't escape, but they pooped on the rug!  You can imagine what a big deal this is for a Kindergartner. 

                                                                  Ainsley's journals have come a long way this year.  There wasn't much in the beginning and at the end she was sounding out words and writing sentences.  She wrote this on our white board a few months ago:

 Ainsley with her teacher, Mrs. Gomes

Reggie with his teacher Mrs. Melendez:
I had seen a lot of Reggie's stuff because of helping out in the class, but he had done quite a bit more work on his comic book. He has been reading the Wimpy Kid series and asked me the other day how to get his book published. Oh, to be a kid and think everything is so simple :o).
You can see from the picture that Reggie is wearing his scouts uniform.  He LOVES scouts and is really excited to go to day camp this year.  They had their last pack meeting last night and he became a Bear.  He kept saying how big his new scout book was...guess there will be lots of activities and things to do this year!  It really has been a great thing for Reggie, trying lots of new things: presenting to the group, building cars/boats/rockets, volunteering, etc.
Reggie has started a Bey Blade (spinning metal tops) craze at school. They all meet at the slides and "battle". He is such a quiet leader and if he steps away to do something else, the group dismantles. It is an interesting thing to watch. He's even got Ainsley's classmates on board. Sometimes there's as many as 10 battling on 2 slides. There was rumor that they weren't going to be allowed at school and Reggie was a bit panicked, but since they just do it after school, I think they let it slide.

Ainsley had her Kindergarten picnic at the park near our house on Wed.  It was so fun for them to just play the entire time and not have any school.  They had hot dogs, fruit and chips and no surprise she wolfed it all down.  She had a playdate with another Kindergarten friend awhile ago and the mom talked to me after school and was blown away by how much Ainsley can eat.  Both Reggie and Ainsley sure started out as slow eaters, but they can out eat Ryan and me sometimes.  I am going to have to go back to work in a few years to help pay for the grocery bill!  Hanging out with her good friends Daniella and Naomi:

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