Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Trina!!

My wife is the best mother in the world.  I know I'm a little or a lot biased but I'm sticking to it.  We had a great Mother's Day and had a special treat in having Khalif in our home for the weekend.  The kids were super excited to take care of their mom all day and give pamper her.  We started out by making her breakfast in bed.  2 over medium eggs, bacon, toast, and some freshly cut strawberries with freshly squeezed lemonade to boot.  Take a look at Ainsley helping daddy prepare Mommy's breakfast plate Mother's Day morning.
The kids kept wanting to go into the bedroom and surprise her with her gifts and wish her a Happy Mother's Day but we had to let mommy get her beauty rest!  After it took me 3-4 times of trying to flip the eggs without breaking them I finally got them on the plate with everything else and the kids and I presented the lovely meal and her presents to Trina.  Take a look at how happy mommy was!
Reggie was so excited about his beautiful picture that he created for mom he could hardly wait to give it to her.  Check it out.  Good job Reggie!
We ended up getting mommy a humming bird feeder (that's been installed for a week and no humming birds have touched it - I guess they like real flowers that bloom here in CA) and some running socks.  I love my wife and the kids love their mommy.  These are the things I think about when I think about mommy:
1. A Godly woman that strives to do things in the name of Jesus
2. Selfless person that will sacrifice herself
3. Wonderful role model for our children - Our kids are soooooo lucky!!
4. Honest with everyone
5. Leader not a follower
6. Follows her heart and doesn't let the worldly things get in the way
7. Loves to volunteer and help people
8. Strong willed
9. Very Humble
10. Smokin Hot!!!
We Love you honey, thanks for showing us what it looks like to be a strong Christian Woman!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, she's our daughter! not surprised that she has turned out so great!!!

love, mom/grandma irene