Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I remember thinking in late March, "Wow, my Christmas card wish came true, an amazingly quiet start to the year.  What am I going to write next year on our update."  My how things change!!!
First curve ball was Ryan's job.  Praise God that was figured out quickly and it should be a good change for him and our family (plus we got a new Dyson vacuum out of the deal!).  Not having a commute is huge for us!  Mainly for Ryan who can wake up at a normal time now...not before the sun!  I have already seen his energy level go up and he is taking better care of himself.  I hope that continues :o).
This year has been really enjoyable for me, having the ability to get chores and work-outs in while the kids are at school.  I still am rushing around like crazy to get everything in my few precious hours and still volunteer in their classrooms.  It has been an awesome year, but I have been thinking a lot about next year and how to fill my time since they will both be gone all day.  Lots of things have come to mind, but nothing stuck.  I have been praying a lot about it and you know what they careful what you pray for.  Curve ball #2....K's social worker called me about 2 weeks ago asking if we could be considered for permanent placement for him as it wasn't going to work long-term with his aunt.  I immediately got a pit in my stomach, no, no, no, this wasn't supposed to happen!  I talked with his aunt, hoping that if I offered to help out more she might change her mind, but it was clear her decision was made.  Life with 3 children is a lot and going back there wasn't really something we wanted to do, but God really worked on both of us to change our minds and hearts to be open to having him back.  Given all he's been through, we couldn't stomach the though of him having to start over again.
The meeting to determine his fate was this afternoon and the facilitator started the meeting by saying we had to agree unanimously on this decision or the social worker/court would make the final ruling.  Now, you have to understand there were a lot of parties involved, one being a paternal grandmother who was willing to take him, so this would be no easy task.  Usually family always gets preference, but we were being considered because of the relationship we have with him and how we have continued to be part of his life.  After an hour and a half, everyone agreed it was best for him to return to our home.  This was a miracle!  I think the social worker is still scratching his head, wondering how that happened as the personalities in this case have been a huge challenge for him.  We know exactly how it happened...God was in it and this was His plan.  Will it be easy for us, no way, but it will be better for us.  So, my days will be filled next year and after our Washington trip, K will settle back in with us.
I stand in awe thinking about the ways God has held us in his hands over the years...dealing with very difficult infants, moving to CA, healing my back, providing a better job for Ryan and seeing this strange sequence of events come full cirlce.  We have had some HARD times, but I wouldn't trade any of it because I have seen through it all His amazing power.....He's got our back and it is awesome!!!

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