Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New House!

Our rent was raised in early March and it made us really think about what makes financial sense.  We were paying a lot in rent, more than if we were to buy a house, so we started looking.  The market has been slim pickings and we had been talking with the owners of our rental to see if we could buy that house.  We looked at several homes and put an offer on one, but were outbid (there are multiple offers on homes where we live, for well above asking price).  That worked out because I wasn't really excited about it anyway.
The Thursday before we left, I got a call from the owner of our rental and he said he would sell us the house, but the price was way higher than anything we'd seen, so it was clear we weren't meant to buy it.  I looked on the MLS and found a couple new ones, so Friday (in between packing and playdates) we headed over to look at one last house.  Ryan loved it immediately....everything was redone and it was big.  5 bedroom with a 400 sq. ft. finished building in the yard that could be made into a small guest house.  We made an offer and it was accepted.  Perfect timing!  NOT!  So, the beginning of our trip was figuring out financing, signing paperwork, etc., etc.  Thank goodness for the internet!!!
Things seemed to be going a bit sideways with the appraisal and inspection, but we got everything we asked for, so it seems like it was meant to be :o).  We close the end of July and will be moving sometime in August.  Feel free to come an visit....we have all kinds of room for people to stay!

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