Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Reggie went to VBS all week last week and had a great time. Ainsley missed the age cut-off by about a month :o(. It was interesting just having her, we were really productive and she was able to do things that Reggie usually does, like push her mini shopping cart at Trader Joe’s. Turns out she is a good helper too!!!
Reggie had a great time and we stayed for the first ½ hour for songs and returned early for the wrap-up. Ainsley participated much more than Reggie. There personalities are so funny :o).
Wednesday night we went to watch Ryan play softball with his work team. I was thinking I’d be chasing them the entire time, but they played on the bleachers and were very manageable, so I actually got to visit and watch the game. How great is that! The kids were very excited to see Dad play :o). There team wasn’t good last year, so they decided to go up a couple divisions and play some better teams…hmm. For whatever reason, it seems to have worked. They scored 23 runs in the first inning. Ryan hit for the cycle and was running pretty hard. He was a little sore, but not as bad as I thought he’d be!
We’ve also been enjoying some awesome fruit! We got a half flat of organic raspberries for $6 last week at the market and an entire flat of raspberries/blackberries for $10 this week. We are all in fruit heaven. And we’ve eaten a few plums from our tree :o). I’m very excited for August because we have a whole bunch of grapes coming in. Last year we didn’t have any and someone told me this year to trim them back and they are already getting big!!! We also might be getting a second round of oranges. We have a lot more than this winter…I hope they actually grow big and juicy!

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