Sunday, June 28, 2009

What a week!

Our week started out pretty normal. Reggie participated in a sports camp every morning for 2 hours. They played hockey, soccer, t-ball and basketball. He was very surprised that he enjoyed himself so much. We were watching his friend Hannah and her brother Asher Tues. and Wed. morning and I was thinking it was going to be a big fight to get him to go, but he was fine with it. They are moving back to Virginia and we'll miss them lots :o(.
Tues. night we headed to Bill and Stacey's house for dinner. Summer has finally arrived here and it was in the 90's most of last week and 108 today!!! So, it was very nice to be able to go in their pool. We had a very nice dinner and visit. Ainsley was spoiled by all 3 girls and she ate it up! Reggie had fun in the pool with Donovan (Ryan's co-worker/friend's little one).
Wed. we went back to San Ramon for Ryan's softball game with his work buddies. That was when the week took a turn for the worse. The game was almost over and Ryan hit the ball way out in center field and he was rounding 3rd, going for a home run when he fell down. He was crawling/rolling to get past home plate, but the Umpire called him out. He was not happy about this and said he got hit by the ball, but the catcher was holding the ball. There was a bit of confusion, but Ryan finally realized he hurt his leg. It was really quite comical. They all carried him to the car and I think everyone knew this might end his season. We went home and iced it and I looked at the back of his leg and touched it and it was very soft. I couldn't feel his Achilles tendon at all, so we decided he needed to go to the Emergency Room. The doctor there confirmed that he had ruptured it. The doctor was a bit perplexed because where it attaches at the bottom didn't hurt and Ryan wasn't in very much pain. He recommended Ryan see an Orthopeodic Surgeon right away. So, Thursday morning, he headed to the clinic where the Oakland Athletics go. The doctor had never seen anything like it. Usually when the Achilles snaps, it is from the bottom or top, but his tore apart in the middle. He had an MRI because the doctor wanted to see what it looked like before he recommended treatment. Unfortunately, he recommended surgery. Ryan pushed back a little because we are supposed to leave for Washington on Thursday and he didn't want to change that. I guess he showed the MRI to all the doctors in the clinic and they all agreed he needed the surgery. So, that is what we did on Friday. It all happened so fast and I felt really out of the info. loop. I couldn't even go back with him before his surgery to get any info. about what was going to happen. So, I had to kill some time. It was lunch time, so I went to get a sandwich at Safeway and they were having a blood drive for a woman who worked at Home Depot. She is a single mom of a 16 year old and has terminal cancer and needs several transfusions to extend her life :o(. Made me feel a little better about my situation. I gave blood and then headed back. I met some really interesting people in the waiting room. One lady's son was the chef for Tom Hanks. She had lots of stories :o). It made the time go a little faster.
Dr. Sal finally came out and gave me an update. He said everything went really well and was very glad we did things so quickly because sometimes the dangling tendons don't have good blood flow and they have trouble reattaching them or they have to cut the dead part off. He was pleased that he could use the entire tendon. Then the nurse came and got me, so I got to go back and see Ryan. He looked tired, but seemed to be in good spirits. The nurse took pictures per Ryan's request, so that was super interesting to look at. Hopefully, she'll send them and I'll post them on the blog. We went home about 1/2 hour later. How crazy is that??!!
They put a block in his nerve, so he didn't feel anything in his leg until about 2 a.m. and then he was in PAIN. Yesterday he had to lay down and elevate his leg most of the day because it hurt so bad. Today, he has made progress and has been up and around a little more and had a lot less pain. He stopped taking the prescription pain killers and has been doing tylenol/advil. Hopefully, we'll still make it out of here in 4 short days!
I keep telling Trina that we will be making it out of here in 4 days but we'll see what my post opp appointment reveals on Wednesday as we'll be talking with the doctor... Wow is all I can say to describe these last few days... I started the game going 3 for 3 with a bomb, double, and single and was having a great time... When I was up to the plate I decided to slap one out to right center as they we're playing me deep.. The outfielder dove and over shot it and that's when I turned the wheels I have on.. looking back I should have held up at 3rd but I was listening to my base coach waiving me in.. That's when it happend. Planted my left foot as I made the turn and felt the "ball" hit me in the back of the leg. Trying to take a few more steps, I fell and rolled the rest of the way to home plate thinking I still had a chance.. Now thinking back, I'm not sure how I even took a couple of more steps/yuck.. Here my achilles is snapped in half and I'm still trying to run. What's done is done and now I have to move on and take care of this unfortunate circumstance.. I've been asking God why this had to happen. The church sermon was about slowing down and taking care of what is important.. We are always moving to fast in life and as I was rounding 3rd I was moving to fast for my own good. This is a lesson that I will learn from. I can't be a "Super Hero" all of the time and especially for my wife and kids I need to know my boundaries. This experience has made me realize that I need to take care of myself, so that I can take care of them long term.. My wife has gone above and beyond the call of duty and I want everyone that reads this to know that she is such a special person.. She's waited on me hand and foot, gotten my ice, fed me breakfast, lunch, and dinner, made sure I'm taking my pills, washed my back, and most of all shown me that she loves me and would do anything for me... As a family, we know that God will not give us anything that we can't handle and with this experience we will continue to grow in the Lord and in each other... I love my wife and kids and I wouldn't be me without them...P.S - I have to give a shout out to my little boy Reg... He's been daddy's little helper when Mommy's not around. Reggie has gotten me pillows, breakfast, and handed me my crutches and many other things. He's a good little boy and Daddy loves him dearly.. Thanks everyone for your prayer's and thoughts and I'll see many of you in a few days.. Wish us luck on our way home..

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