Friday, May 8, 2009

10 year Anniversary!!!

Crazy to think we’ve already been married 10 years :o). Ryan took the day off and we went to the pool and had a great time. Ainsley is afraid of the slide this year and said she wanted to do it, but she couldn’t get up the nerve. She’s already talking about doing it next time, but I’m not so sure. That night, we went to movie night at our church and had some gummy worms, popcorn and watched a Bug’s Life. We met up with Sarah, Michael, Sam and Cooper and Ainsley was shooshing them during most of the movie!
I have to say I might be married to the best guy out there :o). I’ve been wanting to print our blog and put it in a binder to have as a family diary and that was my anniversary gift! Pretty thoughtful.
We had a little reflection time on our trip a few weeks ago and we remembered what life was like before kids. Our lives have changed a lot, but we’ve only gotten closer and we can still talk for hours, just like we used to :o). We started dating 17 ½ years ago…is that crazy or what!!!
Just a few reasons I love Ryan:
His big bear hugs
His happy smile when he comes home
His giving heart
His willingness to listen and change
His nighttime wake-ups (can’t believe the kids are still waking up!)
His affirming words
His positive outlook
His love for his children and me

1 comment:

Lacey Waight said...

Awww that is beautiful..... Why I love Ryan.... Why I love the Wade's.....

Most of the time you are as excited to see us as we are to see you.

I love your schedule's and how they benefit your kid's first then you second.

I love to see you and RyRy hold hands or just catch each other's eye's you can just feel your love for each other.

Ohhh And I love how gracious you are.... I mean on Thanksgiving you went and fed the homeless and less fortunate... and you have given toys to my kiddo's just because. I also love how you have taught Ainsley and Reggie to be generous.

K, enough of this mushy stuff! I love you Wade's!