Thursday, May 28, 2009

Good night sleep….perfect for our busy day!

Oh my goodness, both kids slept through the night 2 nights in a row and didn’t wake up until after 7 (only one day)!!! It has been months since we’ve enjoyed a full night of sleep (besides our trip). And then to have them wake up so late…I thought they were dead! They’re probably getting sick or maybe we’re turning a corner??? Whatever the case, we’ll take it :o).
Reggie had his pre-op appt. yesterday morning and we learned all about what to expect on Friday. The bad part was that they had to do a blood draw. He was crying and nervous from the time I told him it was going to happen. When the time finally came, he was fighting us with all his strength and completely hysterical. After 2 trips to the bathroom and 20 minutes of heavy persuasion, we got it done and the actual procedure was much easier than the wait to get it done. From there, we had to stop at the dollar store to get him a toy.
Then, we went right to Reggie’s school. It was his last day yesterday and they did a little singing program and we had a nice lunch. It has been such a big year for him at school. He has gotten so much more confident and even started to raise his hand to participate during circle time. He absolutely loves school and we can only hope that continues indefinitely. We got a nice book of his artwork, which he has already taken a few things out of and hung up on the walls in his room. It couldn’t have been a better year for him!!!!

From there, we went home, had a little quiet time and then went to Ainsley’s last day of school. She also has come a long way this year. She never moved during circle time, didn’t sing any songs or get up to dance, never even cracked a smile. Now, she’s a maniac. She knocked someone over a couple weeks ago as she was jumping and flailing to the music! She has really enjoyed all the artwork (and Reggie too) and has made a friend. Next year will be really fun for her…she’s already talking about going to Reggie’s school :o).

Its days like these when I’m reminded that life is going fast and I have to enjoy each day, tantrums and all. We are so lucky to have such good kids, who know right from wrong and choose right most of the time. Just today, Ainsley was freaking out, wanting me to get her something and I told her that she needed to get it herself. She cried and cried and then her big brother showed up with what she wanted. How sweet he is :o). Ainsley reciprocates, but not as often and usually she is the one who made him upset, but we’ll get there. She is sweet in her own way, helping clean up or giving me big hugs and kisses :o).
Reggie’s surgery is tomorrow, so please pray for him! I'll try to give an update sometime tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lacey Waight said...

Is he just having his tonsils out or is he having the adenoids too? I would just have a little chat with him before and let him know that when he takes his medicine he will feel better... When Cadia had that procedure she didnt understand so she just fought me tooth and nail. Charlie was easier because he understood that the medicine tasted horrible but it would make him feel better. And the smell of his mouth will be horrible.... oh and there will be lots of drooling too.... other than that i think it was 2 days and charlie was almost back to normal. I will pray for him....
P.S. Rubber snakes from the dollar store are fantastic